Michael Laweka Corn Maiden Zuni Fetish
Michael Laweka Corn Maiden Zuni Fetish
Approximately 5.5 in tall
Carved from antler with sleeping beaty turquoise base.
Fetish Animal Carvings
Fetish animal carvings are created by a handful of Native American Tribes in the southwest. Zuni Pueblo is probably the most well known for their Zuni Fetish Carvings. The Navajo (Dine') people also make animal carvings as doartists from the Cochiti Pueblo and the Isletta Pueblo.
Approximately 5.5 in tall
Carved from antler with sleeping beaty turquoise base.
The Trading Bird and the Gypsy Gem galleries are located in the historic mining town of Madrid, New Mexico. The source for rare Cerrillos Turquoise, original Peaker jewelry designs by owner and turquoise miner Riana Newman Peaker and a great selection of Santo Domingo Pueblo jewelry, mosaic overlay, Mata Ortiz Pottery, Pueblo Pottery and Zuni Fetishes.
Trading Bird | 2868 Hwy 14, Madrid, New Mexico 87010